I remember in 2003 every Wednesday night at 20h30 we would sit as a family glued to the TV screen while being entertained by WWE wrestling super stars. Well I’m certain of one thing though, this was not a weird thing to do because we were not the only family in my neighborhood that enjoyed wrestling at the time I mean almost every house hold watched it.
It was so interesting how you would see parents dressed their kids in John Cena or Undertaker branded T-shirts, caps, shorts even snickers and these kids ranged from 2 Months to 13 Years of age. Most clothing retail outlets enjoyed a pinnacle of success and high profit returns on those wrestling branded T-shirts, while young girls preferred Hanna Montana cloths.
I think I remember having this weird funny feeling after seeing old married men who would wear the same wrestlers branded T-shirts proudly, however as a non judgmental citizen that I am I wont disclose identities of these men to you. What matters is that they too just like their sons were influenced by these wrestlers.
What I’m highlighting is the fact that certain celebrities have influence on people especially when they epitomize cool and their brand appeal exuberates to every age group, perhaps you as well went to a point were you bought the wrestlers or Hanna Montana branded underwear (drums rolls for my dry humor).
We living in a technological era, we have access to the tabloids more than ever before. There are television sets, magazine covers, Internet blogs, and movies screaming to be read and watched, and they are plastered with images of celebrities.
While doing my research for this article I came across a lot of studies and articles which convey celebrities as having bad influence on teenagers. One article went on to say: a first grade teacher even noticed her students using derogatory language, singing suggestive song lyrics, and even flirting with each other. With celebrities creating impossible standards of beauty, more and more young adults are feeling 'less confident, more angry, and more dissatisfied' with their looks (National Institute on Media and the Family). Based on a poll, 40% of nine and ten year-olds had tried losing weight and at age thirteen (Body Image and Gender Identity, 2002), 53% of girls were unhappy with their image (National Institute on Media and the Family).
My question is this: who was conducting this research and what happened to parents taking responsibility in raising their kids, I mean first grade pupils flirting with each other, even trying to lose weight at the ages of 10 years and thirteen. As the specialist in the show business does the study suggest that my two beautiful girls are doomed and they will soon form part of these stats? Should I be worried since our first born is 8 years old and second born is 3 years, wait should I worry even more since their mother is a celebrity.
Well I wont be worried at all because we know that we are good parents and we parent our girls ourselves we don’t relinquish our parenting blessings to Paris Hilton and Britney Spears since some American parents and the theorists who wrote the findings seem to put the blame on celebrities.
Well enough of poor parenting and lousy theorists who take their time to bash and lambast celebrities who have worked hard to create names for them selves and lucrative careers subsequently. My article for this week is more focusing on illustrating the positive impact and influence that certain credible celebrities may have on your brand. With a proper new media plan including but not limited to social media, mobile phone advertising and interactive brand activations, brands can benefit immensely in leveraging on celebrities influence to their fans.
At Celebrity Talk Tone Media we have a simple “modus operandi” Called Triple C interactive marketing approach. Our method of operation in the digital space is more on bridging the gap between Consumer and Corporate brands using Celebrities. In simple terms we add value to this tripartite dimension by making sure that South African artists don’t just embrace their fame but make fortune in the process.
We consult to different brands and advertising agencies giving them an interactive platform in communicating their brands to their consumers and prospective clients in a casual way that gets the brand message across. Most corporate companies and agencies employ marketing executives who are only book smart creating marketing communication strategies that talk at consumers instead of communicating with consumers. Our business simplifies communication for brands by creating effecting viral brand communication strategies which allows the targeted consumer to decode the message and also pass it on to their friend ultimately creating WOM (Word Of Mouth) effect.

As the youth marketing agency specializing on mobile and digital advertising, youth lifestyle research development and Mobile Content download enterprise, we understand the importance and benefits of interactive marketing in the digital/technology era we living in. We not saying traditional mediums and marketing efforts don’t work today, all we highlighting today consumers are smarter than they were 15 years ago and they most susceptible to believe a friend’s or acquaintance brand recommendation opposed to a brand marketing executive.
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